Longwood Gardens on July 28, 2018 (Verna's birthday)
One of the most beautiful displays is of the water lily ponds

The fountains were just renewed and expanded. The water show with music is one
of the finest world-wide, especially in colored lights at night (we hope to see
that later)!

The birthday girl!

The red flowers near the center can be better viewed with a telephoto lens (next

Two bowls of mushroom soup, a couple of buns and one serving of fries cost $21

Christmas at Longwood Gardens 2013
It was beginning to look (and smell) a lot like Christmas at the Harveys in Malaga!

A group of Seeing Eye Puppy Raisers decided to visit Longwood Gardens.
The Christmas theme for 2014 was "Fruit". Enjoy the photos!

It looks a bit dull and drab at Longwood Gardens in winter.

The summer fountains are shut down in winter.

Children love the G-guage model railroad setup

After dark, the magic of Christmas appears!

The winter fountains provided a nice show with music.

The big treat comes when you go inside where fruit is the central theme

This "carpet" is made of red and green apples floating in water!

Have you ever seen an orchid tree?

A professional organist played Christmas Carols on a pipe organ with over 10,000 pipes for a sing-along.

You can view the pipes in the back room through glass windows.

We never realized that there is an interesting organ museum in Longwood Gardens.
