Most people think that Power Point is the ultimate method of modern hi-tech presentation. Slide shows are a thing of the past - or are they? Did you know that many of America's favorite theme parks utilize slide projectors for quality projection? Modern technology makes it possible for fabulously sharp presentations on large screens that make Power Point look cheap. I have made a number of shows and presented them to packed halls in Europe. 

The Equipment:
4 Kodak Ektapro projectors
A Digital video projector
PC Workstation
Stumpfl "WINGS for Windows" program
Stumpfl 404 Control Unit
CD-Player with optical output
Mixer, stereo amp & speakers
10' x 10' screen
Fine adjusting projector stands & table

How it works:
The show is designed and prepared on a computer complete with dissolves, titles, music, voice, visual and sound effects. When the show is edited to satisfaction, it is burned onto a CD. A CD-player with optical output transfers the stereo sound to a mixer and from there to amplifiers and loudspeaker boxes. The embedded signals are transferred by optical cable to the Stumpfl drive unit, which commands the projectors. Everything functions automatically in the background.

Multimedia Themes (video, Power Point or multi-projector presentations):

Albania and Kosovo
Youth Work in Europe
Review of our 40 Years in Missions, "Apples in a Seed"
The Demise of the Iron Curtain
Turkey – Seven Churches of Asia Minor
The Anabaptists – Unheralded Heroes of the Reformation
Only in America!
Austrian Christmas
Austrian Scenery
Flowered Balconies and Window Boxes in Austria

Contact us for information or engagements!