About a hundred persons attended the Harvey Family Reunion on
May 8, 2010
It had been six years since an attempt was made to get all 11 Harvey siblings with their families
together for a reunion. Most of us had attended weddings of nephews and nieces, but it seems that
one or more siblings was always missing. Dan volunteered to organize a reunion and others offered
to help according to their means and talents. The Elmer Grange Hall was rented and a good meal
catered for the occasion. Relatives traveled from far and near. Some came whom we had not seen in
quite a while and there were even several new faces -- new-born infants, and those who married into
the family since our last big meet.
The reunion began with visits to the schools that all eleven siblings attended. First was Woodstown
High School. A picture on the wall showed the school soon after it was built in 1920.

Next, we visited the former Elementary School in Daretown.

The old Prebyterian Church, cemetary and log college were next.

At Daretown Lake,
Tim turned the water on so we could see the restored mill wheel in operation.

Click here to watch the wheel in operation!

When all 11 siblings were present, we had pictures taken before the old homestead.

Tim and Helene gave tours of the house. Max Beck tried to duplicate the family photo
taken by his father in 1958.

There were table displays at the Grange Hall and Margie showed a DVD with hundreds
of old photos while we ate the meal, interspersed by many stories
of family happenings and incidents.

Above are the in-laws.

We would like to do this every five years. The time was enjoyed by all!