Ralph was born and raised in southern
New Jersey, near where we now live. Verna was born and raised in Northwestern Pennsylvania. Here are a few childhood
photos of us. To learn more about our siblings and children, click
the appropriate tabs above.
Verna with her family

Ralph with Pluto - Ralph's family -
High School photo

Verna playing her accordion and Ralph
in his flaming pink Ford

Both of us graduated from Bob Jones
University. We met in the Art Gallery where we both
worked. Verna watched over visitors and answered their
questions while Ralph made picture frames and did
restoration work in the gallery workshop.

Ralph sang in opera choruses,
Messiah and Creation
He also painted backdrops for stage productions

Our Wedding on March 9, 1963, in Meadville, Pennsylvania

Family photos in 1964 and 2004

We were married on March 9, 2013, but celebrated our Golden Anniverfsary in July when the
grandchildren had no school.

Our first home
in1964, a 27' trailer - moving into our 7th home
in 1974

Becky's wedding (1992) and Richard's wedding (1994)

Our family in Austria, April, 201l

Family in USA, 2015
