Liberty Bell made of Lego at Philadelphia Airport - Arrival in Salzburg and finally at Richard and Marina's "Sunshine Villa"
On Saturday, we visited an Easter Craft Fair and Sale at the day-care center for handicapped where Richard works. Here are photos of some of the articles that were made in the workshops here.
Below are a few pictures of the rooms where Richard works.
Saturday afternoon, the first of two suitcases filled with presents "exploded."
On Sunday morning, Ralph preached in the Voecklabruck Church.
We spent the
remainder of the day with the Ampflwang Church.
The children enjoyed the unique playground, which incorporates features of
the coal mining industry
We watched a steam train pass by.
On the way home, we visited with Martina's brother and his family.
Monday, we visited the Zoo at Gruenau
The Alpine Slide was a hit!
We ate our lunch next to Lake Wolfgang
Gmunden is a lovely city on the Traun Lake. The weather was lovely the entire time of our stay!
Two years ago, the Toskana Park was flooded.
There are three majestic castles in this park. You can see pilings from older structures in the clear water next to Ort Castle.
The park also has many exotic trees including a California Redwood.
We spent the better part of a day visiting the neighborhood where we lived our last ten years in Austria. Nearly everyone was there to greet us. They presented us with a portrait taken at a neighborhood ice curling tournament last year.
The Kiblers have a new business, making delicious chocolate-covered
strawberries, plums and apricots. A special treat was watching Andreas shear a
sheep and seeing a newborn calf.
We visited our former co-laborers, Rudy and Linda Meier with their daughter, Lisa. While there, we took a long walk and the children enjoyed feeding a donkey and chickens.
On April 7, our good friends, the Schunnemans, visited us. We went to our favorite restaurant for a delicious meal, with "Salzburger Nockerl" for desert. After the meal, we flew kites on a hillside overlooking the lake.
Easter Sunday was spent with family. The boys are playing with the Lego train that we bought Richard when he was their age! It still works fine!
Easter Monday we drove to Linz to meet with friends who live in that area. Many of our former youth group came to see us. Many of them are fast approaching 60! They made Ralph a birthday cake for his 70th (in case you didn't know, when you are 69, you have had 70 birthdays because you have to count the day you are born! Franz also made 30 submarine sandwiches (hoagies).
Leonie and Walter (brother and sister) are accomplished pianists and played classical 4-handed pieces for us plus a humorous one in which Leonie kept pausing to clean her glasses, trim fingernails, etc.The grandkids made a nice play area in the back yard complete with a pond and terraced garden!
Doris gets her bath with many spectators.
Eating pancakes with real maple syrup from Guys Mills, PA!