We flew into San Diego from Philadelphia on June 11 and returned on the 16th. It was a brief but
very enjoyable stay with our daughter, her husband and three children. Did we mention their German
Shepherd, Tesla ?

It was hot and dry in Southern California but the pool felt great!

We arrived too late for the Awards Night festivities, but according to Becky's photos, everyone had fun!

Our grandchildren, Susan, Debra and Jonathan were dressed for the occasion complete with shades!

We never dreamed that Jonathan would wow the girls like that!

Susan with some of her friends

And with her sister, Debra

Susan received the most coveted leadership award for the girls

Becky with her friend

A limo brought the kids to the famous Mission Inn for a meal afterwards

We enjoyed the pool, but it was off bounds for Tesla!

Saturday afternoon was Susan's High School graduation

Because it was a small class, the parents accompanied their children across the stage to pick up the
diploma while a PowerPoint show displayed pictures of the graduate

After graduation a Pallmann Pool and Pizza Party

Susan was delighted with her super laptop

Sunday morning before church we took a few more pictures

Jonathan was baptized Sunday. What a wonderful weekend for Grandma and PopPop!

Becky and all three children presented PopPop with lovely hand-painted pottery for Father's Day.
Those kids are gifted in so many ways and we are very proud of them!

After six wonderful days we drove back to San Diego and the airport. Traffic was light but all 16 lanes can sometimes be jammed for hours!
