We flew into San Diego from Philadelphia on June 1 and returned on the 11th. It was an enjoyable
time with family in Lake Elsinore where it seldom rains and never snows! Old
cars may get bleached from the sun, but they have no rust. Many homes have
swimming pools and/or Jacuzzis (we had both)!

Our daughter spoiled us with her great cooking [www.goodcookbecky.com] including
exotic dishes such as kabobs and Austrian beef roulade with red cabbage and "Semmelknödel"

The primary reason for our visit was the graduation of our granddaughter, Debra from High School.
When we arrived, Debra was busy with preparations and so were her parents!

Ice Cream Cake!

Debra was one of seventeen graduates in her Home School group. She played a
classical piano piece which I filmed.

"Little" brother Jonathan escorts his sister from the hall

Time for a family photo

Off to dinner at Benihana

A week later we had the pleasure of hearing Debra and Jon's piano recital
posing here with their teacher.

All three of the Pallmann children play multiple instruments.
Click to hear Debra play a classical piece from Claude Debussy

We also got a tour of the famous Huntingdon Library Gardens and Museum, where
we saw many ancient books and an original Gutenberg Bible!
After saying "Good Bye to our family, and of course their German Shepherd, Tesla, we headed to the airport and the
long flight back to Philadelphia.
