Meadville Trip, July 11 - 20, 2008
July 18 - 20 was the 50th reunion of Meadville High School's Class of '58. The 54th reunion of Verna's Elementary School and a reunion of the Kardosh family (relatives of Verna) also took place that weekend. We also took in the Townville Home Day and Pioneer Gas and Steam Tractor Show. Enjoy the pictures below!
We stayed with our good friends, Bruce and Nancy, who make the tastiest pancakes in the world! They have a maple syrup business and this is the "Sugar Shack" where they sell maple products at public affairs. They make great cotton candy and milkshakes!

Verna discovered that about 40 of her relatives had planned a family reunion at a boat club on Pymatuming Lake, so she was able to connect with some long lost cousins.

While there, we watched people feed the fish at the spillway where ducks can sometimes be seen walking on the carp to steal their food.

Meadville High School, Class of '58 Reunion
The reunion began with a reception at Day's Inn on Friday night, July18, 2008. On Saturday, there was golf for the golfers followed by a bus trip with yellow school busses to the old High School, the ball field, lunch at Eddie's Footlong Hotdogs and desert at Hanks Frozen Custard. Saturday night was a banquet at the Iroquois Club on Conneaut Lake. We missed the farewell breakfast at Perkins on Sunday. About half of the Class of '58 (240 students of which 48 are deceased) attended the reunion.

1958 was the last year the Meadville Bulldogs had a perfect 10-0 season! It was also the last class to graduate from the old High School building. It was then used for the Junior High and recently converted into an apartment and office complex.
The third picture below is a Meadville Tribune Photo which shows us exiting the old school and headed for the school bus.

Christian was a Swiss Exchange student who attended the reunion. Below right are two Mrs. Harveys.

What would a 50s reunion be like without a deuce coupe and Harleys?

The 54th reunion of Verna's Elementary School 8th Grade (Saturday breakfast)

There are many unpaved roads around Meadville!

Pioneer Gas & Steam Tractor Show
