2005 - An Unforgettable Summer!

On June 24th, Ralph's brother Dan invited us on a boat trip to Baltimore Inner Harbor. We visited the aquarium, ate seafood, toured shops and got a panorama view of the city from an observation deck.

July 4th Celebration at the Harvey Bee Farm




A German TV crew happend to come for a shoot of the bee farm while we were there.


8 of 11 siblings were present

Trip to Austria, July 7 - 25, 2005

In spite of much rain and cool weather, we enjoyed the scenery! Most lakes were at flood stage.

The water was icy, but Opa jumped in for a swim with the kids.

When it rained, our grandchildren entertained us and vice-versa.

To see and hear a video clip of the accordion trio, click on the left photo!

A trip to the zoo is mandatory! It only rained when we were about to leave..


The Zieglers have their own zoo.

We did many other interesting things like visiting a castle and decorating ceramic dishes at the world famous Gmunden Ceramic Factory


In Gmunden, Austria, we visited a nice toy museum (above photos), a bicycle museum and a Toilet Museum!
We also visited a wild-west town in Bavaria called "Pullmann City."

Click here to see photos:  Wild-West Town  -  Toilet Museum - Bicycle Museum (link at bottom)

We visited with many friends and former neighbors


Verna's birthday had to be celebrated too! Finally, came the farewells. We ate a fantastic meal in a restaurant high up on a mountainside overlooking the turquoise Attersee Lake.

Verna eating her ice cream wrapped in pancakes with whipped cream and chocolate on top!

Verna's 65th Birthday at Home

Dave and Nancy took good care of our house and garden. Dave got stung several times by yellow jackets while mowing the lawn. Verna had a bountiful harvest of tomatoes and zucchini. The sunflowers and crepe-myrtle were higher than the edge of our roof!

Verna's brother and sister-in-law and a cousin with her husband, that she had not seen in 38 years came to visit on July 27th. A number of Ralph's relatives came to celebrate on the 28th.

Ralph's Open Heart Surgery

Verna's birthday present from Ralph was a new kitchen floor. He wanted to lay it right away, but it was unbearably hot, Ralph had to preach on the 31st, we were both tired from all our travels and celebrating, and finally, Ralph Junior was here and wanted to walk on the Ocean City Boardwalk. Ralph had to stop to catch his breath several times, which is unusual. He had the same experience while hiking in the Alps, but thought it was because he had not been in the mountains for a while. Even on our normal half-hour hike at home, he was having breathing difficulty and on Tuesday, August 2, he also got chest pains. We cut our walk short and called the family doctor, who ordered Ralph into the emergency room at Elmer Hospital. He underwent x-rays, blood tests and electro-cardiogram which showed nothing unusual. After three hours, we returned home with an order to get a stress test.

On Friday, August 5, Ralph got on the treadmill at the hospital with a cardiac doctor attending. The first stage went well and they turned up the tempo. Ralph was huffing and puffing, but had no pain. Suddenly the machine was shut down and was Ralph told to take a seat. A nurse gave him a glycerin pill. According to the monitor, he had a heart attack! The Doctor said there was no way he could leave the hospital and asked for the first opening at Cooper Hospital for a heart cath. Monday morning, August 8, Ralph was taken by ambulance to Cooper where the catheterization showed massive blockage. Ralph would need quadruple bypass surgery immediately!

For someone who always ate healthy food, with little or no salt, whole grain, granola, fresh vegetables and fruit and very little junk food; and a person who exercised regularly and never drank or smoked; this was quite a shock! No one in the family had a history of heart disease, but Ralph changed that!

Ralph returned home on Sunday, August 14th and was soon doing most of the things he did before surgery. People all over the world were praying!