Harvey Family Reunion, June 26-27, 2015
The 2015 Harvey Family Reunion is history. As with the previous reunion, this one was also held in the Elmer Grange Hall near Daretown.
The day before, there was a boating and beach day for any who could come early. The following
pictures are of the boating day at Somers Point.

A wild storm on the preceding Tuesday knocked out power in many places including our home and the Grange Hall (78 hours without!) where we were to meet. Fortunately, the electricity was restored Friday afternoon.
At least 115 persons attended the reunion and all had a great time renewing friendships, catching up on news and reminiscing.

(For enlarged photos, click on the next two pictures below)

Each guest was invited to sign in and guess the number of M&Ms in a jar. There were also many door prizes.

Interesting family displays were scattered about the hall including a memorial board with photos of deceased family members.

Sharon did a fantastic job of creating a memory book of families, birth dates and numerous photos

A highlight of the day was the appearance of Ann, the oldest of eleven siblings. She was able to
stay for the entire time and enjoyed every aspect of the occasion.

Another surprise was the entrance of Dan's daughter Dara who flew in from California!

With all the good food, no one went away hungry! Fried chicken, pulled pork, sandwiches, salads and desserts were in plentiful supply.

Dave led us through the program which included entertainment from the children, announcing winners
of door prizes and the M&M contest. A brief explanation of the close Harvey relationship to the VanMeters
and William Copper was shared. The latter founded Cooperstown, NY and was the father of the famed novelist,
James Fennimore Cooper. Geneologist, historian and author, Bonny Beth Elwell was present to
introduce her book about the area which the Harvey family called home.

It is time for family introductions and group pictures beginning with the sisters...

...and sisters in-law

With the above shot of ten siblings in front of the home where we grew up and lived it up, our 2015 Reunion report is complete!