"I am the way, the truth and the life; no man comes to the Father but by me."
(John 14:6)

Our Ministry in Europe

We left our 28' trailer home and sailed to Europe in 1964, arriving in Vienna July 24


While learning German in the University of Vienna, we also helped in the Sunday School of a Baptist Church, conducted children’s meetings among Gypsies, assisted with camps, distributed literature, drew Chalk Talks in the “Church on Wheels” and distributed flyers advertising the telephone counseling service of Vienna.

Church Planting

Following formal language study, we became involved with church planting projects in several cities of Upper Austria. We were invited to three anniversary celebrations in Austria in 2017. The church in Ampflwang (our first project)celebrated it's 50th anniversary, the church in Vöcklabruck its 30th and an international youth organization that we helped to found celebrated 25 years.

Youth Center "Katakombe" 1969-1979

We were in some way involved with youth during all our 38 years in Austria. In Linz, we operated a youth center and drug rehabilitation ministry. In a special report, Trans World Radio recognized this as one of the most effective youth ministries in Europe.

Net Kids Gospel Message article
Today's Youth and Missions Do youth still respond?
Youth Work in the New Testament Compartmentalized Churches

Printing and Publishing

Millions of pieces of literature were produced in the years, 1972-1999, including literature smuggled into Communist countries of Eastern Europe. We also published our own youth magazine and operated a Christian Book Store. Ralph continues to write articles for Christian publications and published his first book, Rabban Gamaliel in January, 2005. Many of his writings are posted on this website for free download.

Click here for large photos of the print shop.

Austrian Bible Institute

In May of 1983, we leased property in Ampflwang and worked to establish the Austrian Bible Institute, which opened in October, 1984.

In 1991, property was purchased in Wallsee on the Danube River.

After 15 years as a dormitory-style school, the emphasis shifted to training in major urban centers and the Wallsee property was sold.

Click here to read Part 1 of the detailed history of God's working in Austria to provide quality Christian education!


We worked with one of the first students in the Bible Institute to start a youth organization for kids 10-16 yrs called Jungschar in German. Within a few short years many Austrian churches had Jungschar groups. About 500 leaders were trained and many camps were conducted throughout Austria.

Within three years there were approximately 50 clubs in Austria and in 2001, we became involved in training youth leaders and establishing clubs in other European nations. The first international leadership camp took place in Slovakia with nine nations represented.

Click here to get the latest news on this youth organization.

Relief and Refugee Work

Relief work was another aspect of our work. We worked with refugees in Austrian camps and organized the collection, shipment and distribution of relief goods in impoverished or worn-torn countries of Eastern Europe. We also collected and sent tools and materials to rebuild and repair churches after the collapse of Communism in 1989. In May, 2000, we helped build an addition onto the church in Kukes, Albania. An Albanian graduate of the Austrian Bible Institute, Arben Kosta and his wife Sherilyn served this church.